
Catarina Tantra | Tallinn | +37256094884 | [email protected]

Hi there, I am a professional tantric massage therapist and have real training in chakra bodywork, aromatherapy, gestalt psychotherapy, reiki, lithotherapy and ayurvedic medicine. I have been practicing tantra massage and sacred sexuality for 10 years. This ancestral massage, which consists in stimulating sexual energy and transmitting it to the whole body through energy points that we call chakras (vortex energy). you will be in good health and reach subtler states of consciousness, rediscover your body and develop your sacred sexuality and pleasure. 100€ 30 minutes of massage, sex, BJ. 100€ 30 minutes massage, BJ. 250€ VIP GIRFRIEND ESPERIENCE, 1 hour of pure pleasure with surprises. I look forward to meeting you, do not waste this opportunity to spend a moment of ecstasy in my company. I'm a beautiful portuguese woman and it's my first time in this Tallinn. 15. jaan. 12:41

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